Sunday, March 20, 2011

Diddly Squat

Yep, that's what I have to report, diddly. It's not that I haven't been cooking, I just haven't been taking photos, and we've had some repeats like Guacamole Chicken anyway.

Also, it's been spring break here and I've been dealing with an autistic 6 year old who wants to go to school and can't understand why he shouldn't. I'm fairly certain that he thinks I'm just being a lazy shit and not getting up in time for the bus. He has decided to punish me by crying pretty much non-stop every day until I decide to get him to school. (I briefly considered finding religion again, just so that I could curse god, but it seemed like a lot of trouble).

So, school starts again tomorrow, and while I intend to spend at least the first few hours cowered in a corner crying, pulling my hair out and murmuring to people who aren't there, I should recover in time to cook dinner.

I am planning to try to convert a recipe for Beef Stroganoff into something at least half-assed paleo, so hopefully I will have something to show the one person who looks at this stupid blog (hi mom).

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