Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roasted uh, Roast

Hmm, this is possibly not the most appetizing picture I've ever taken, but it's too late for another photo. We've devoured it all. Oh well.

Recently, as we started to eat a roast I had tortured to death in a crockpot all day, husbeast asked "Why do we call it roast? It's boiled. We should just call it boil." I kind of thought he had a point. (I didn't tell him that. I told him to shut up and eat, obviously.) But I realized I had never even tried to roast a roast. I just dumped it in the crockpot with a ton of water and forgot it. I decided it was time to try. Guess what? It's a thousand times better. Really.
I browned a boneless blade roast in my baking/roasting/I don't really know what it's for - dish. It's oven safe and has a lid, that's all I know.
So I melted some coconut oil in this puppy and then fried the well seasoned roast until it was browned on all sides. Then I add about a cup of water, put the lid on and put it in the 325 degree oven. Our roast was pretty small (2 - 2.5 lbs) and it was done in about 3 hours. How do you know it's done? Touch it with a fork and it falls apart.

The veggies are also roasted and consist of carrots, red potatoes and turnips. I toss them in olive oil and sprinkle salt and savory (or thyme) and roast them on a cookie sheet at about 450 for about 20 minutes, turning halfway through.
It tastes better than it looks, I promise.

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