Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh Hell Yeah... Steak

So after a few duds, the Thai curry mess and an attempt at fish that shall not be spoken of, I felt that we deserved something good. Steak is good.
I soaked these steaks in a marinade of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and cayanne and a very small amount of garlic powder (garlic gives the manbeast zombie snatch breath). I never really saw the point of marinating until I discovered this treasure
If you don't have one already, you need one. It's awesome. After you've beaten your meat into submission (stop it) you can soak it in marinade and actually flavor the meat. Last night was the first time I've eaten steak without drowning it in 57 Sauce and I didn't miss it at all.

The side dishes are baked (nuked actually) yam with cinnamon and steamed asparagus. We've been seeing asparagus on sale a lot lately and we both love it. All it needs is to be simmered in a small amount of very salty water for a few minutes until it's bright green and tender. Yum.

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